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How employers can empower staff with disability

Employers have the opportunity to empower employees with disabilities by creating a welcoming workplace. While this may seem like an easy task, it is important that employers do everything in their power for employees who need extra support or accommodations so they feel comfortable and confident at work every day!

Find out more about disabilities

Employees who are comfortable answering questions about their health and wellbeing may be a great source of information. But don’t force the issue on them or make it seem like they have to educate you.

Talk to them if they are open to it. Avoid stereotyping and be respectful. Keep in mind that everyone is unique and will have different experiences.

Recognise strengths of employees

This is a great opportunity to show your employees that you recognise the skills they have and help them find tasks where those abilities can be used. This will give workers with disabilities more confidence, which in turn makes it easier for everyone involved.

For example, if an employee is employed by Auckland moving companies as a stocking job has excellent social skills, but has hearing impairment, they might be better suited for the packing department where there is less of an environmental noise. A worker who is organised, but not very verbal, may be able to work behind the scenes in a data entry position where there are no interruptions.

Find reasonable accommodation

Be prepared to make reasonable accommodations, depending on the disability of employees or potential employees who are participating in the interview process. It’s a legal requirement that companies make such accommodations in some areas.

While some employees may ask for accommodations in writing, others might just mention the topic in conversation. You should get all the details about the accommodation. What space will they need to accommodate their wheelchair? What flexibility will they have in their work hours? What type of adaptive software and tech will they need for the office?

What kind of equipment and laptops will an employer need to work remotely? Pay attention to what the employer is asking and make notes if needed.

Examine your workplace culture

In order to make sure that the workplace culture and policies are accessible, one must look at their rules in depth. This may require a deeper analysis of what it means for an organisation or business’ attitudes towards people with disabilities so they can be changed accordingly if needed.

Consider the policies and resources for your workplace. Do you have flexible hours and work-from-home options? Some tasks will require a presence on site or be time-sensitive. But is there more flexibility? What resources do you have to support employees with disabilities, if any? If workers require guidance, you can enlist the help of job coaches.

Consider how interpersonal interactions can make the workplace less stressful for someone with disabilities. Are you a victim of bullying at work? Are employees friendly and supportive? You should adopt a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and show the same behavior to your employees. Offer unconscious bias training programs to everyone in your office.

Be quiet and just listen. In order to make your workplace more inclusive and accessible, you should ask employees if they have any concerns about the changes that need be made. Regular meetings are a good way for workers anonymous feedback such as an app or suggestion box because it might help them voice their concern without fear of repercussions from management who could then take necessary action based on what’s heard back at headquarters. These steps won’t only benefit those with disabilities but will also improve quality overall in company environments where all staff members get along well enough already. Which we know isn’t always easy when there may exist different styles within one workforce group.

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Learn how to deal with unfair treatment at work

Supervisors and coworkers might underestimate you or treat you too delicately. Or even make you feel awkward or cold. It is impossible to control other people’s opinions and attitudes. You can however take steps to improve workplace social relations.

Talk about your condition and any needs. People often stigmatise people with disabilities because they don’t understand or aren’t aware of the condition. It might be helpful for others to talk about your disability. You could, for example, let your coworkers be aware that you have autism and struggle to read nonverbal cues. Don’t divulge information unless you feel comfortable.

Get acquainted with your coworkers. Find common interests, hobbies, or life experiences. Your coworkers will soon see beyond your disability and realise that you aren’t as significant.


Discrimination refers to being treated less favourably due to your disability. Discriminatory behavior at work can be either intentional or unintentional. It may also be illegal depending on where you live. Here are some examples of discrimination against persons with disabilities:

  • You are being harassed by your coworkers.
  • Disability can lead to you being fired, demoted, denied promotion, or even demotivated.
  • Your employer refuses reasonable requests and accommodations to meet your needs as an employee

What can you do if discrimination occurs at work? It all depends on the situation.

Could it have been an accident? Talk to the person about the incident. They may be able to apologise and make amends.

Was it a coworker? Let your employer know. They may be able to assist by reassigning the coworker on a different shift.Are you experiencing discrimination? Your employer may not be able to resolve the problem. Find out your rights and how to file a formal complaint.

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How to work and thrive as a disabled person

It’s important to be sensitive when working with someone who has a disability. You’ll want these tips so you can adjust and overcome any challenges in your workplace!

Workplace challenges for people with disabilities

While there are many types of disabilities, some can be physically or mentally impairing. You might feel frustrated if your condition was new or came from something you did in the past!

The unemployment rate for people with disabilities in America is around 19%, which means they have a greater difficulty finding work than their peers. This is because of the many barriers people with disabilities face at work, such as:

Fear, anxiety or lack of confidence You may be unable to pursue new opportunities or return to your job.

Adapting to new limitations is difficult. As you learn new methods of handling tasks, a new disability can slow you down. You might need to take time to learn how speech-to-text technology works.

Having difficulty finding new jobs. It might be difficult to find inclusive jobs or a job that matches your strengths.

Incorrect Mobility access. Environments that are not suitable for your needs might be encountered, such as buildings with poor wheelchair accessibility.

Inflexible work patterns. You may find it difficult to concentrate on your mental or physical needs while working if you have strict work hours or take breaks.

Attitudes and attitudes of coworkers and employers. Disabling social stigmas can surround your disability. Coworkers and employers might underestimate your abilities, misunderstand or discriminate against.

Working can seem like such a daunting task, but it is important to remember that work provides an individual with their sense of purpose. Even if you don’t enjoy your job or have any passion for what’s being done at the company – which many people never get excited about anyways- having regular paychecks ensures our financial independence and stability within this world where so much changes daily! And when we’re tired from all these life throws us curveballs? Rest up because I promise there will come time where even those feelings won’t matter quite as much anymore.

There are many strategies that will help you find and keep a job that suits you, regardless of your disability. Finding satisfaction at work is possible with self-knowledge, patience and the willingness to advocate for oneself.

Tip 1: Building self-confidence when dealing with disability at work

When it comes to disabilities, people often feel that they lack the confidence and ability. However, there is hope for those who face this challenge as well! These steps can help you gain self-esteem or prove your worthiness in a new workplace by showing how much of an asset you’ll be on their team despite any difficulties.

Accept your disability. Grief can be a very personal and private process. You should not feel pressured or expected to ignore the emotions that come with it- they are completely normal. Try your best to not dwell on what life would look like if things were different because this may only frustratingly remind you how much change is still ahead of us all when we lose something close to us.

Find a relate to people with the exact same disability as you. Many people with disabilities can adapt and thrive in society, which you’ll likely discover. When you feel down, let their stories inspire you or even reach out because nobody understands you apart from the person who is going through the exact same disability as you.

Manage stress levels. It has long been known that stress levels have a direct correlation to your health and your physical being. It is such a big part of our daily lives and is often swept under the mat and unspoken about, but why? If we take the time to calm our mind and quieten the body, our natural body will allow us to achieve anything in the workplace.

Embrace assistive devices. There are a number of tools that can make life easier for people with disabilities, including hearing aids and canes. While these items may not be glamorous in the grand scheme of things- they’re just meant to give you an edge when it comes time for work or public. Don’t let their existence define who YOU really ARE; use them however works best so long as everyone knows what’s going on behind closed doors (or curtains).

List your strengths. It is easy to become obsessed with your disability and all the limitations it presents. Remember that you have many strengths. You should write them down, especially if they are related to work. Despite being less mobile than you used to be, you still have a solid knowledge of your field. Perhaps you have poor social skills, but are able to focus well on tasks that require a lot of concentration. When you are job hunting, or just need to boost your confidence, it is a good idea to review your strengths.

Tip 2 – Be flexible when you return to work

When you go back to work after a break, don’t expect everything will be the same. While it might seem like there are new challenges and frustrations everywhere – an ability or willingness on your part can help make things thrive again.

It’s never too late to seek assistance. You might find it difficult and uncomfortable at first, but with time you will get the hang of things again! If your work environment makes daily tasks challenging or painful for any reason. Don’t be afraid reach out – employers want their employees happy so they can do good work as well.

Refine your goals. The process of adapting is a long and winding journey, full with many obstacles. But don’t let those setbacks bring you down! When setting goals for yourself be patient; know that it may take time before all your hard work pays off in terms or results as well as happiness from achieving them (especially if they’re realistic). And lastly- stay confident throughout any difficulties–we’ve seen what happens when people give up too soon on themselves before even trying new things out because life gets tough sometimes

Use your resources and connections. It can be hard to go back into the office after a tough day, but you have friends and colleagues who are there for support. Turn them in any capacity if needed – talk about your situation or just count on their company when things get too much!

Tip 3 – Search for new employment

You’ll need to spend some time job hunting if you are new to the workforce, or unable to return to your previous role. As you try to find a job that suits your needs, ask yourself these questions.

Which are your strengths? Find jobs that match your strengths and avoid those that emphasize your weaknesses. If you have a hearing impairment and/or anxiety, it will be hard to find a job that requires you to talk to customers. Consider whether you will need to stand for extended periods of time or lift heavy items if you have mobility problems.

Do you want to spend more time at school? Some career paths require a high level of education. Virtual classes may be a good option if you are flexible. There might be programs that offer training for those with disabilities.

Are you looking for flexibility in your work hours or benefits from working from home? You can arrange your work and schedule from home. This type of accommodation might be available in certain fields or jobs.

Which environment suits you best? If you have a sensory disorder, noisy and crowded workplaces can be too overwhelming. People with hearing impairments might find loud spaces challenging. People with hearing impairments will find it easier to work in more quiet, controlled environments.

Tip 4 – Advocate for your needs

It is your choice whether to disclose your disability. If you don’t feel the need to disclose this information to your employer, you can keep it private. If accommodations are necessary, however, it is best to disclose your disability upfront.

Accommodations could be any tool or procedure that allows you to overcome barriers or work patterns that aren’t suitable for your needs. Accommodations aren’t only for current employees. Accommodations can be requested during interviews.

These are some examples of reasonable accommodations:

  • Parking reserved for those with mobility impairments
  • Flexible end and start times
  • To reduce auditory distractions, use noise-canceling technology
  • Adapted office layout to accommodate wheelchairs and other assistive devices
  • Training videos with captions and visual aids for staff who are hearing impaired.
  • For workers with anxiety or learning disabilities, one-on-one meetings are available.

It is understandable that you may be hesitant to talk with your employer about your disability and request accommodations. It’s possible to feel like you will be treated negatively, that your career is going to be affected, or that you’ll get bullied or harassed. You’re not the only one. The good news is many companies are already familiar with accommodating employees and many companies have a disability employment program to allow for positions for people with disability.

These tips will help you make things go smoothly when approaching your employer.

Watch your timing. This important conversation should not be interrupted by your boss. Instead of starting a conversation while things are tense at work, wait until they calm down. Consider scheduling a one-on-1 meeting at the end of each week, for example.

Keep your eyes on the prize. You might feel compelled to give your employer all details about your disability. Maybe you aren’t sure what to say. It is a good idea to keep the conversation focused on your work performance. How are you performing? How can you overcome these obstacles?

Please be specific about how accommodation can assist you in your work. You might say, “If I have noise-canceling headphones, it will help me focus on my work without any sensory issues.”

Request a written agreement. If there are any disagreements, it is helpful to record the details of the accommodations.

Find out who to contact. You might tell your supervisor or HR department about your disability, but not your coworkers. It is important to be clear about the privacy you desire.

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Children with disabilities should also play sports

You’re not the only one who grew up in a time when street hockey, basketball, kickball, and baseball were an essential part of childhood. Many children, regardless of whether they were athletic or spent their time indoors playing video games, have fond memories of playing in a local sport league at one point in their childhood.

For children with disabilities, it’s not as easy. The Department of Disability and Human Development recommends that youths exercise for 60 minutes every day, but children with disabilities don’t get as much.

Unfortunately, they are also less active and more obese compared to their non-disabled peers. The combination of obesity and inactivity poses serious health risks for disabled youth. Research shows that one of the biggest challenges for youth with disabilities is increasing their physical activity and fitness in their communities.

Mary Kate Morgan, a therapist who works with disabled youth at Larabida Children’s Hospital, Chicago, says that “Kids without disabilities benefit from physical activities, sports, and activities just like other kids that are usually developing.”

However, it is a fact that children with mental or physical disabilities may have difficulty joining a team and finding communities with programs for them can be difficult.

All children benefit from the same camaraderie and self-esteem that sports provide, as well as a sense of belonging, accomplishment, and sense of belonging that they experience.

Morgan explains that there are many physiological benefits to the exercise, including increased cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, flexibility, coordination, and coordination. Morgan cites psychological benefits such as self-concept and self-esteem improvements, better relationships with other children, improved friendships, and an overall improvement in their quality of life.


Morgan says that allowing kids to play sports, even adaptive sports, can help them achieve their psychological and physical goals. Children may not be able participate in traditional gym classes or soccer teams. However, they can learn to be just as productive and build camaraderie among their peers as well as self-esteem by participating in modified sports or gym classes. They discover that they are in control of their bodies, and that exercise is good for their body, mind, and spirit.

Special Olympics is a program for young people who have a cognitive or physical disability. This could mean that they need assistance to move their wheelchair, or to walk with a walker. Their ability to participate is equally important in situations where the disability may be more severe. However, they might need an aid, teacher, or volunteer to assist them. Modified sports teams include anything from wheelchair basketball, where the hoops can be lowered, to rubberised baseball diamonds so that children in chairs can move the bases.

In some communities, where children with disabilities and kids who are typically in the developing stages play together, integrated teams might be possible. These teams often have extra volunteers and aids. Some teams have children aged 6-15 who are assessed for their skill level.

It is important to remember that children who are able to participate in integrated teams at their level of ability should not focus on winning but on learning and having fun. Being involved in sports can help you develop your emotional skills like leadership, following directions and team fellowship.

Morgan says that although I felt like I was not the most talented at sports, my family encouraged me to play and kept my head up. “It was a shame because I am sure I was the most spirited child in my class,” Morgan said. Remember to remind kids that they are not there to be the best shooter or scorer, but to learn and improve their performance, have fun, and make friends.


For children with disabilities, sports like tennis, swimming, golf, and track may be the best. They can concentrate more on their performance, whether they are winning, improving their score, or competing against one another.


Participating in sports for children with disabilities can be difficult because of the many obstacles. Is the sport equipped with the appropriate adaptive equipment for your child? Is the culture of your child’s teammates right if it is an integrated team? Families should make use of all resources available to them, including teachers, pediatricians, and other health professionals.

“We have many organisations at Larabida that introduce children to different sports. Morgan says that a company called to Dare to Try offers adaptive bikes to children and gives them the opportunity to experience triathlons.

You can also find summer camps and vacation day camp options that offer kids with special needs the opportunity to experience activities such as archery, kayaking, or hiking.

Check that your child has been through a sports physical before allowing them to start the sport. Look for coaches and volunteers who have experience working with disabled youth. Discuss your child’s disabilities with the coach. In integrated teams, teammates need to be aware of their child’s limitations. Perhaps he is able to bat, but needs a replacement base runner. Maybe she needs to take more frequent breaks. Everyone needs to be on the same page. Morgan says, “It is important to develop habits of being physically active. Sometimes with children with disabilities it becomes harder to be physically active as their tolerance for exercise decreases and they become heavier.”